Saturday, October 24, 2009

Slipknot - Psychosocial

Very few songs grab me the way that Slipknot’s Psychosocial does. This song has a very unusual sound for being heavy metal. Mixed with ‘psychosocial!’ being grunted in true death metal style, there are lyrics being sung that sound like they could be from an 80’s glam-rock hair band... not that there is anything wrong with 80’s glam, after all, what else was there to listen to then? But this song is a real stretch for a metal band... and man did they pull it off! The song is nothing less than awesome! The group has come a long way from their humble 1995 beginnings when they were playing under the name “Meld”. This year, Slipknot received a Grammy nomination for ‘Best Metal Performance’ and VMA’s ‘Best Rock Video’ for the song Psychosocial. They have been nominated seven times since 2001, winning in 2006 for the song “Before I Forget”.
These guys are not lightweight rockers by any stretch of the imagination. They are extremely talented musicians... and there are a lot of them... 9 members, wow! Very unusual for a modern metal band.
Something else strange that I noticed about these guys... one of the guitarists is playing a Fender Telecaster. I have NEVER seen a telecaster played in heavy metal... until Slipknot.
Here is Slipknot’s latest video that was nominated for ‘Best Rock Video’... “Psychosocial”

* rOcK oN *

Official Slipknot Website

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